Monday, May 17, 2010

I do what I like and I like what I do

Welcome to South West Music. My name's Liam, in an entertainment journalist with the South Western Times, and I'm a music nerd. I've got a pretty sweet job - I basically get to write about bands coming to Bunbury, and what do you know, a lot of pretty good bands come to town. I've started this blog so you don't have to wait for the paper. This will be a bit different from the SW Times version though - I don't have to edit myself so heavily here. There will be more posts coming soon, honest. Possibly too many, but I'm sure you'll learn to cope. To your right you'll see nodes - I'd recommend using the twitter site to keep yourself up to date, and the youtube site to check out just what you'll be getting at the Prince of Wales on any particular weekend.

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