Monday, May 17, 2010

Next week at the Prince

Dan Sultan, bein' all swarthy and handsome.

Big weekend of shows at the Prince of Wales next week. We've got Cloud Control - psych pop from the Blue Mountains - Richard In Your Mind - really, really bizarre psych rock from Melbourne, really as strange as the name suggests - and Split Seconds - new Perth band featuring members of New Rules For Boats - playing on Thursday night. Should be a ripping show, doors open at 8pm and tickets are $15 on the door or through Heatseeker, who I will be putting in my links section as soon as I get around to it.

Friday night is Dan Sultan, supporting his new album Get Out While You Can. It's a really good album, Sultan is a very talented guy. If you're not familiar with his music then the best point of reference is probably his role as the bad-boy hearthrob in Bran Nue Day. Tickets at the door are $22.
I'll be posting an interview with Cloud Control, and hopefully Split Seconds, some time next week. Maybe Richard In Your Mind as well...see how it goes.

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