Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Frustration is my name

One of the worst things about being an entertainment journalist is deadlines. I don't have an issue with them, personally, but I think a lot of musicians are kind of lazy by nature. Actually lazy is probably the wrong word, undoubtedly the majority work had on their music, but when it comes to meeting a deadline, they don't seem to concerned. I've learned to live and deal with that and really, I don't mind.

What I do mind is when their management can't meet deadlines, or ensure their clients - aka the band - meet deadlines. What's worse is when you've given management two days to organise something, or god forbid reply to an email, and no response is forthcoming. Words can't express how this makes me feel. I want people to go to shows in Bunbury. Hell, I'd like to think that being good at my job and writing about these bands facilitates that. But I can't help people that won't help themselves. Cloud Control are the headlining band on Thursday night at the Prince of Wales, and I'd love to do an interview with them and talk about their new album. If they're not interested, well then I guess that's their problem.

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